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Goal Setting

By: Justin Emmons

It’s getting closer to the end of the month.  Guess what?  Starting July 1 we are starting an awesome program tailored to your specific goals.  Have you signed up for a goal setting session yet?  If not, why not?  We are here to get you better.  Setting goals is a key to success.  Let’s get a time scheduled with your coach.  Go over goals, and kick butt this next quarter!  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, talk with a coach about it.  They can steer you in the right direction.  Let’s get it done and let’s get better!


6-19-13 WOD


To be discussed in class

Met Con:

Toes to bar/ Knees to Elbows x 7 

Double Unders x 10/ Singles x 50 

AMRAP 12 minutes