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In the book the Happiness Advantage, the author talks about one of the biggest bang for you buck things to improve your life is to write down 3 good things that happened in your life that day.  I bought a journal recently and have made this a daily practice.  It’s important to actually write things down with pen and paper, it makes a difference mentally.  I journal a brief synopsis of my day, and then I write down at least 3 things that I was grateful for that day.  Yesterday, my daughter laid on my stomach while we laid on the couch, with her face about 6 inches from mine, while playing with my beard, she spent the next 20 minutes telling me all about her day.  It was one of the best moments of my week, and just the act of writing it down made the whole day seem better, and carried over into this morning.  

It helps, and it’s an easy practice to start.  Do you practice gratefulness?

3-27-2014 WOD


Clean & Jerk

Met Con:

Push Ups x 10

Rowing x 20 calories

AMRAP 10 minutes