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Guest Days For December!

I just wanted to remind everyone about the awesome guest days we have coming up in December!

December 11th, 12th and 13th all classes will be available for you to bring a guest!

You may not know this, but there are people out there who are your friends who are secretly jealous of what you’re doing.  They wake up in the morning unhappy with themselves and they secretly wish they could do what you do.  Deep down inside though, they feel like they can’t do it.  Whether it’s lack of confidence in themselves, or some excuse that they keep telling themselves, they have settled on they can’t.

Well guess what…..

You get to be their inspiration.  You get to help them believe in themselves and show them that they can.  The hardest part is getting them to decide to walk through the door.  Talk them into coming with you and tell them how much fun we’re going to have.  Kidnap them if you have to, (I hear chloroform works well) j/k don’t do that, but do bring them and we’re going to have an awesome time!

Remember December 11th, 12th, and 13th ALL classes.

I’m looking forward to meeting your friends!


12-2-14 WOD


Push Press

Met Con:

Deadlift x 15

Toes to bar/ KTE x 15

4 rounds for time

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