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Happy Thanksgiving 2014!

It’s Thanksgiving and it’s the time of year to give thanks for what we’re grateful for and reflect on the good things that have happened in the past year or in your life in general.

This month is also our Anniversary month, so every year on Thanksgiving I reflect on how blessed I am to have my own business and be able to do what I love to do every day.

When we started the business I had been personal training for 8 years.  I had stumbled across CrossFit some time online and had started implementing it in with my personal training clients.  I was working a full time job when I went to my CrossFit cert and I was blown away with the approach to fitness.  I was so excited I came home and told my wife we’re going to open a gym….

I had 3 personal training clients and started the gym in 800 square feet of space in April of 2009.  Within 3 months we had 30 clients, and we moved into our current location by November of 2009.  By May we had grown so much, I left my full time job, took a $45,000 pay cut, (with our first kid just being born) and started the adventure of being out on my own full time.  It was amazing, and scary all at the same time.  Fast forward 5 years and here we are.  We’re running a great business, and I fully believe I’m doing my life’s calling.  If you’ve ever wondered why I do what I do, you can check out the video here:


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I can honestly say, that I’m grateful for everyday I do what I do.  I wake up every morning and am excited about changing people’s lives, and I’m grateful for everyone who has blessed me with the opportunity.  My hope is that we continue to do this for years to come, and I can continue to contribute positively to people’s lives.

I’m thankful for my family first, for without them I couldn’t do what I do, and they are why I live my life the way I do.

I’m thankful for our staff, for without them I couldn’t do what I do, and CFB could not provide the service that we provide.

Last but not least I’m grateful for you.  I’m grateful that even if you’re only reading the blog, it’s my opportunity to hopefully speak something into your life that you can use to grow and I truly hope that we can continue what we do for years to come.

Thanks everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!


11-27-14 WOD


Run Turkey Trot or Run 4 miles

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