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Have You Ever Been a Unicorn?

I’ve written about this book before, The Happiness Advantage, by Shawn Achor.  It’s an amazing read if you haven’t read it, but regardless this talk is fantastic.  What do you focus on?  Do you spend time focusing on positive every day?  Spend 3 weeks writing something positive that happened to you, and see what a difference it makes in your life.  Do you view yourself as a unicorn?   Maybe you should try and see what a difference it’ll make in your life!

3-19-13 WOD


Snatch Ins. 

HH Snatch 
4 x 2@60% or weight that feels fairly heavy

Clean Dead Lift  100% + 10lbs x 3 

Met Con:

Level 3 / Level 2

Burpees x 5

Ring Dips x 7

Squats x 9

AMRAP 10 minutes

Level 1

Burpees x 5

Bench Dips x 7

Squats x 9

AMRAP 10 minutes


Burpees x 3

Bench Dips x 7

Squats x 9

AMRAP 10 minutes