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Healthy Food Is So Expensive…..

I hear that all that time. I can’t eat healthy it’s too expensive to buy that stuff.

How about this, we just started or nutrition program and I’ve already had 3 people post that their grocery bills were the cheapest they’ve had in a long time, after buying all the food needed to make all the meals for week 1.

So….you’re excuse is void. Eating healthy can be expensive if you want it to be or cheap if you want it to be.

Then again, we could always look at the cost of your health care when you don’t eat healthy.

Let’s make some good choices and see where we end up. What are some affordable ways you can think of to eat healthy?

Post comments below!




Met Con:

Bench Press x 1 minute

Double Unders x 1 minute or Singles x 1 minute

Pull ups x 1 minute

4 rounds for reps