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Honoring and Remembering CrossFit in Memphis

CrossFit Bartlett has a special place in our hearts for police, fire, and military.  We are extremely thankful for all of our servicemen and women, and we have decided to do something cool to honor them.  On September 11th, 2013, we are going to do a hero workout in honor of the fallen.  We will allow all police, fire, and military to work out with us for FREE during all classes that day!  We are extremely excited to honor our visitors. 

If you are interested in taking part in the event, please contact us and let us know when you are planning on coming!  If you know anyone who serves, please spread the word and have them contact us to get ready for this event!  

Get ready, it’s going to be awesome!!

13.2 XFit -March 16, 2013--68




To be discussed in class.


500m row

 KB Swings x 21

 Pull ups x 21

 3 rounds for time