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How Important Is No to You?

If you want to be truly successful at something you have to pursue it.  You must make an effort to become better at it.  You have to hone the craft to truly master it.  This is true in exercise as much as it is in every part of your life.  In order to dedicate yourself to anything, you have to learn how to say no.  

What do I mean by that?  I mean that in order to put in the effort required to be successful you have to get good at saying no to the things that aren’t going to make you successful.  Do you have time to watch American Idol tonight? (Does anyone even still watch Idol? The Voice is where it’s at now..but I digress) If you have to go to bed early in order to get enough sleep to support your workout in the morning, than the the answer is no.

You have to take inventory and figure out what are the things that you should say yes to in order to be successful, and what should you say no to.

Are their any things/ activities in your life currently that you should be saying no to?  Post comments below.

 5-20-2014 WOD


Push Press

6 x 2 @ 105% of OHP 1 RM

Met Con:




Pull Ups