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I Don’t Know How To Cook…..

I’ve heard this excuse alot when talking to someone about their nutrition.  I have a question for you….

How do you learn how to cook?  The answer is try over and over again. It’s called practice.

Get yourself a cook book and learn how to cook it’ll benefit you, your health, and your results.  At first you’re going to struggle, and some meals won’t come out, but you learn from your mistakes and get better and better until you do know how to cook.

One of the best books I’ve seen on teaching you how to cook is Tim Ferris’ The 4 Hour Chef.  This book breaks down all of culinary school into several meals, and if you master those meals you’ll have a ton of skill in the kitchen.  Trust me, Tim is an amazingly entertaining writer and this book is a game changer for you in the kitchen.

He has his own diet called the Slow Carb diet which is very similar to Paleo, so the recipes are pretty inline with our nutrition as well.

Learn how to cook, and make time for it to happen, and your body, your results, and your mirror will thank you.

Good luck



11-3-14 WOD


Tall Clean and Jerk

65% 10 x 2

Met Con:


Thrusters (10lbs under Fran weight)

Pull Ups

Row for calories

(go for unbroken on thrusters)