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If You’re Serious About Your Results…

If you’re serious about the results you want to have, nutrition is a key component to the equation.

We have offered all kinds of nutrition programs in the past but nothing as in depth as the program we are currently putting together for you.

Starting January 24th we are offering our

Better Better Body Program! 

This is an unapologetic, let’s drop a flying elbow on our fat, kick our performances butt, and finally feel good in those ‘skinny’ clothes hanging in the closet, group nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle educational program

This program will feature:

  • Monthly: Before/ After Pictures and measurements so that you can see your progress
  • Weekly 1 hour Educational sessions to give you personal attention, education and get ALL your questions answered
  • Meal plans with recipes to take the guess work out of what to do in the kitchen
  • Homework every week to get your results faster and give specific guidelines
  • Extra workout programming specifically for your goals
  • Private Facebook group access to provide quick feedback, recipes, extra coaching and accountability
  • Weekly Tips and Videos to help educate you even more
  • Supplement education so you can learn what to take and why, to help you achieve your specific goals
  • Customized supplement and nutritional recommendations based off of your goals

This class is capped at 12 people and will only be offered every 14 weeks, so if you miss this one it’ll be 14 weeks before we offer the next one!

If you’re really serious about making some positive changes that will change your life, I recommend you commit yourself to this program.

It’ll be a game changer for you!

1/16/2015 WOD


Tall Clean and Jerk

Met Con:

Power Cleans x 2 @ 75%

200m run

Sit ups x 20

5 rounds

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