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It Starts With You?.

By: Justin Emmons

CrossFit Bartlett doesn’t begin and end in your class time?.  

You guys are CrossFit Bartlett!  The community is what you make of it.  

The more awesome people we have in the community, the greater the community becomes!  We can not grow the community without you!

Tomorrow we start our Upgrade Your Friends event!  

We believe that we were put in the position we are in to make a difference in people?s lives.  More specifically our mission is to Upgrade Your Life.  We want to take it a step further!  We believe that we can take Memphis, TN off of the number 1 most obese city list and literally upgrade the city we live in!  

We can only do that through you!  Every member of our gym can be an agent of change!  Think about someone that could use an upgrade.  

Who among your friends needs to be plugged into a community of awesome individuals who will actually make their life better? 

Our goal is for every member of our gym to get 1 friend to sign up.  If we could do that, we could have positive outcomes on 300 people of Memphis.  Those 300 people could have a positive influence on 300 more people and the cycle could continue until we actually upgrade this city!  Remember it only takes just one friend, but the more friends you bring the better!  

Let?s dig deep and if we work together we can save, change, and UPGRADE lives!

We can upgrade the lives of 300 people over the next couple of months! 

It starts with YOU and YOUR friends!




To be discussed in class.

Met Con:


30 x clean and jerks

for time