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It’s time to be awesome!

There comes a time when you stop settling for good enough
and know that nothing less than great will do.

You know it’s going to take
something, something that you may not even know if you have yet.

There comes a time when you understand that there is another
level, and that’s where you want to live. You may find that what once
pushed you has become routine, and the fire for something more starts to burn

There comes a time when you find that reasons ‘not
to’ have become unsatisfying and unrewarding. You may have repeated some
excuses so often they actually appear to be true.

And there comes a time when one choice comes along that can
alter everything.

The Whole Life Challenge Worldwide.  Join our team today!

Know yourself as the
person you’ve always wanted to become.

It’s never to late to be who you might have been.
– George Eliot

Get Fired Up!  Let’s kick ass at life! NWFS

Here’s that link one more time!

5-1-2014 WOD



Met Con:

Dumbbell Single Arm Squat Snatch x 50 total

Toes to Bar / KTE x 100

Pull ups x 50

For Time