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It’s Time….to Make A Difference…

By Justin Emmons

It starts today.  It’s time for our Upgrade Your Friend Event.  Bring a friend to any class.  For every qualified person you bring, we want to give you a thank you gift!  This is your opportunity to help make a difference in someone’s life.  They’ve been looking for answers and you can introduce them.  Teach a person healthy habits, and if they use them, they’ll have a better a life.  

You can be that catalyst.  You can help someone have a better life, and if enough of us do that, we can change this city!  

Today’s the day you make a difference in someone’s life…. you in?

4-10-2014 WOD

Bring a Friend


Members ONLY


Met Con:

Team Double Helen

800 meter run (Done Together)

KB Swings x 42 (split up)

Pull Ups x 24 (split up)

3 rounds for time