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It’s Time to Upgrade Someone…

By Justin Emmons

Everyday most people wake up looking for answers to their health issues.  In the US we are so bombarded with misinformation, marketing promoting horrible nutrition as healthy, and incorrect fitness information, our country’s health continues to decline.  We know our program works.  We have answers for people….

We just need help spreading the word!  That’s where you come in…

This week, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we will be doing our Upgrade Your Friend Event.  

This is where you get the opportunity to show off how awesome you are, BUT more importantly, you get the opportunity to literally make someone’s life better.  Here at CFB we change lives on the daily.  We help people learn what great health choices actually are, and you get to be the conduit to bring them the opportunity to upgrade their life!

We need your help.  Just imagine how you’ll feel knowing that your friend is getting results because YOU introduced them to CFB.  How awesome would it be when your friend tells you, ‘I’m in the best shape of my life, and it’s because you introduced me to CFB.’  

The workouts will be something they can do.  It’ll be a great workout for both of you, and it’ll be a fun time had by all.  Thanks for helping spread the word, and more importantly, thanks for making a difference in someone’s life!

4-8-2014 WOD

Levels Testing

Met Con:



Double Unders

Sit Ups

Single  Annie


Sit Ups
