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Jackie PR Challenge Thruster and Rowing Seminar

Saturday at 10AM we will be hosting a Jackie PR Challenge Thruster and Rowing Seminar.  Since this seminar is part of the PR challenge series, all the participants of the PR challenge will be able to attend this seminar free of charge.

All other members, the cost will be $10.  If you struggle with rowing, or just want to make your times faster, this seminar will greatly improve your technique.  Our staff has been working hard on bringing extra information to the table to make your rowing even more bad ass!

There are tons of techniques that we see in the gym and 85% of them need to be improved.

This seminar is guaranteed to knock a few seconds off of your Jackie challenge as well as any wods with rowing.

You don’t want to miss this.

Saturday 10AM

Free for PR Challenge participants

$10 to members not a part of the challenge

See you there!


8-9-13 WOD


To be discussed in class

Met con:

Kettle Bell Swings x 5 (Heavy)

Box Jumps x 7 (High)

AMRAP 5 minutes

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP 5 minutes