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Labor Day and Such!

We just wanted to let you guys know about some awesome stuff we have coming down the pipeline!

Labor Day

We will be doing one WOD on Labor Day, Monday September 2nd.  The workout will be run like a Saturday class, 1 class at 9AM.  There will be child care available!

September 11th Event

9-11 is coming up.  We all know the significance of that day in history.  To honor the fallen during that day we are holding a special event.  For that day only, we are inviting all Firefighters and Police to workout with us, any class, for free!  If you know of anybody who may be interested please let them know.  They will need to call the gym and register so that we know how many people are coming, but are super excited to offer this service to our service people!  Spread the word!

13.1 xfit open march 09, 2013-37

8-27-13 WOD



Met Con:

2 Mile Run

30 Pull ups / w: 25 Pull ups blue band or 15 w/o band