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Lauren Carson…

I just wanted to take a second and let you guys know that we have hired Lauren Carson to be on our staff!  We are super excited to have her come on board.  I have nothing but great things to say about her attitude and cheeriness, and I’m excited what she can do on the floor as a coach.  She’s currently studying exercise science and has been in our program for a long time.  She’s also helped in the past with the World’s Best Boot Camp Program.

Please welcome her as you see her on the floor!


8-7-14 WOD

Back Squat

Met Con:

Level 3

Snatch x 2 (80%)

Rope Climbs x 3

20m shuttle run

Snatch x 4

Rope Climbs x 2

20m shuttle run

Snatch x 6

Rope Climbs x 1

20m shuttle run

for time

Level 2

Snatch x 2 (80%)

Cargo Climbs x 2

20m shuttle run

Snatch x 4

Cargo Climbs x 1

20m shuttle run

Snatch x 6

Cargo Climbs x 1

20m shuttle run

for time

Level 1/ Beginner

Sub Snatch with Front Squat if necessary

Change Cargo climb to 10 Chin Ups if necessary


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