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Letting Stress DeRail You….

As you may or may not know, my wife and I decided to sell our house.  It’s been kind of a whirlwind situation.  We had been thinking about it for awhile, then I met a realtor and asked him if he could just show me what’s on the market right now.  All of a sudden, we listed put our house on the market, and within 3 days it was sold.  #crazytown!

So now we are in busy mode trying to find a new place to live.  Needless to say my stress levels and tension are through the roof, and with that, my training, nutrition etc., has taken a back seat.

It wasn’t a purposeful thing, it just kind of happened.  We’re out going into houses all day, then all of a sudden it’s time to eat, so you go eat at a restaurant. Stress levels are high so you crave bad foods. I have to admit, I have succumbed to the temptations.

It’s easy to do.  I’m not telling you this to brag about us moving, or to make excuses. I’m just pointing out that life happens to all of us. We’re all human, and we all get derailed sometimes. The difference is, you can’t let it derail you forever. You must get back on track and get the things done that you need to get done.

It’s been a week and I’m already feeling sluggish and fluffy. It’s time to jump back on it, and start rolling again with my fitness and nutrition.

If life starts to happen, let it happen, but then make a decision to get back on it. Don’t let set backs become failure.

March 18th, 2015 WOD


OHP (Over Head Press)

Met Con:

400m run

Ring Dips x 10

Thrusters x 10 (Over Fran Weight but can be unbroken)

4 rounds for time

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