I HATE being cynical. I hate thinking that way. Unfortunately, life, and people in general make me that way. I’ve been working a lot of health fairs and booths lately. We’ve been trying to get the word out and grow our business. I keep getting the same response over and over. People look at me and quickly turn the other way. People tell me they already work out and are good, when in actuality they are not. Or my favorite, ‘Oh no, I can’t do that, you’ll kill me (insert whatever you thing a common derivative of this is here).’ It’s the same every where I go. Sure some people talk to me, we get a few leads, but for the most part the reactions make me cynical. Why you ask? Because everyone has an excuse for a response. ‘I’m too old.’ Really? You are about 40. The average age at our gym is around 43. We have clients right now in their 70’s. ‘I’m too out of shape’ Really? I have had 300lb ladies on our program and 350+ men. You are in much better ‘shape’ then them. Besides, the point of exercise is to get into shape. You don’t start exercising after you are in shape. You exercise to get into shape, that’s how this works. ‘I could never drive to Bartlett, I live in (insert whatever area of town you want)’ All of them are within 20 minutes of our facility. You go to work at 8? We have classes that start at 5AM. We also have showers. You can’t find someone to watch the kids? We have a paid child care person. These responses heard over and over again make me cynical. Because the truth is, most of the people who give those excuses are not fit or healthy. They could be, if they wanted to be, and that’s what frustrates me. I see this city heading further and further in the direction of poor health, and I want to do something about it. I want to help you, but the responses I get are turning me into a cynic. I am losing hope in the general population and I don’t like it. I don’t like being a cynic. Let’s change the excuses into action. There’s still time to save your health. Upgrade your life. Start a freaking revolution. Set the world on fire, or don’t. The choice is yours.
10-16-13 WOD
To be discussed in class
Met Con:
Level 3 / Level 2
GHD Sit ups x 30
Dips x 30
Chin ups x 30
Walking lunges x 50 total
Chin ups x 30
Dips x 30
GHD Sit ups x 30
20 minute time cut off
Level 1/ Beginner
Toes to bar/ Knees to elbow x 30
Dips x 30
Chin ups x 30
Walking lunges x 50 total
Chin ups x 30
Dips x 30
Toes to bar/ Knees to elbows x 30
20 minute time cut off