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Life Change Not Necessary

Do you have kids?  I do, I have two of them.  One just turned 3 (holy crap that was fast), and one turns 2 in August.  (They are 15 months apart, no it was not planned and they are not twins.) There got all the answers to the questions we get on a daily basis out of the way.  

Here’s a thought for you…. we at CrossFit Bartlett, literally change people’s lives every day.  It’s an awesome feeling helping people get on the path of healthy living and getting them results.  What if we went one step further?  What if we didn’t have to change people’s lives?  What if we instilled healthy living habits into our children, so that they never face the hardships of being unhealthy, or fat, or sedentary, or suffering from ailments like high blood pressure, Type II diabetes, etc.  What if we started the kids off really young loving exercise, making healthy choices, and becoming great athletes?  Imagine what that would do for their self confidence as adults!  Imagine what that will do for their success as adults?  Did you know that it’s a proven fact that fit people make more money?  Sounds crazy but it’s true!  

I for one, am striving to set my children up for success in all facets.  We have approximately 7,000 days from crib to college to try and instill every healthy habit we can in our children.  Let’s take advantage of it!  Here’s what I want to do for you…

Next week May 20th through the end of the week, all members of CFB can let their kids try out one of our kids classes for FREE!  Please contact us to schedule which classes your kids will attend!

If you are a non-member your child can try out one class for free this week!  Please contact us to schedule an appointment!

If you want to check out more about our Kids program feel free to browse the site click here! 

Our program currently consists of:

Pre-K ages 3-5


Monday and Wednesday

Kids ages 5-13

4:25PM- 5:05PM

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Teens Program


Monday, Wednesday, Friday


WOD 5-17-13

Strength/ Skill

Will be discussed in class

Met Con:

Hand Stand Push Ups X 5

Chin Ups x 10

Walking Lunges x 10

AMRAP 20 minutes