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Living Life

Too often we get wrapped up into our day to day problems.  We shift our focus internally.  What can you do for me?  How can my life be better?  We don’t spend much time externally focused.  Focusing on the good in someone else can help shift your perspective.  We walk around every day thinking that we have all the time in the world, when in reality we don’t.  You actually never know.  This video will take you about 20 minutes but it can change your outlook on life.  It’ll be worth your time.  Live life like you days are numbered because they are.  Focus on others and the rewards will be greater.  What an inspiration to be a better person!

6-5-13 WOD


Will be discussed in class

Met Con:

Power snatch x 2

Hand release push-up x 10 

DU x 20 / Singles x 100

8 rounds