We’ve been working hard behind the scenes here. We are utilizing some special software, videos, and technology in order to outline and create a better customer experience for you. We are about wrapped up with the production process and will be moving towards the implementation process soon.
What does that mean for you?
You should be hearing from the coaches a lot more with follow ups.
You should be getting more emails from us about different things we need to set up.
You should be getting more videos from us on different topics etc.
Our goal is always to provide the best service possible, and my hope is that this creates an even greater experience at CFB.
Make sure our emails come through and get ready for an even cooler ride!
In the meantime we may go through some weird transitions with our current membership who are in the middle of their contracts. Please bear with us it’s going to be better in the end.
You may just get a few more emails while we’re transitioning. That’s about it.
Get excited and stay tuned!
10-9-14 WOD
Make Up Lift
Met Con:
500m row
Hang Power Cleans x 10
Deadlifts x 20 (with clean bar)
AMRAP 12 minutes
Try not to put the bar down for the cleans