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New Lifting Cycle May 2015

We are starting a new lifting cycle this week.  The rep schemes will be a little higher then what we normally do.  The higher rep schemes are designed for what’s called hypertrophy.

Hypertrophy is about muscle growth.  When you work the slightly higher rep schemes a couple of things happen…

1)   You get muscle growth.  The cross sectional are of the muscle will get bigger which will make you look more tone, increase your muscle, and decrease body fat.  AKA look better in your bikini, or mankini in my case…. j/k 😉

2)   It will increase your muscular endurance, and increase your lactate threshold. When you are working through these schemes correctly, you’ll get some lactic acid build up, it’ll burn.  By working through this, it’ll increase your lactate threshold and increase your lactic acid clearance.  This will allow you to maintain a higher output longer, or in other words be able to go harder for longer.

The last aspect of what we are doing this cycle is working more on Olympic lifts.  We are breaking down the Clean, Jerk, and Snatch in order to focus on technique.  This will increase your ability to be able to do these lifts and create more proficient skill.

Have fun, and let’s get ready for some summer!  😉

May 5th, 2015 WOD


HH Snatch

Met Con:

500m row

KB Swings x 50

Jump Squats x 50

KB Swings x 50

Jump Squats x 50

500m row

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