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Nutrition Challenge Winners and Fitness Starts With Food…

As you know, this past weekend was very busy for us!

We had the culmination of our 3 week nutritional challenge.  In it, we saw amazing results!  Here are some highlights:

The winners were grouped into the top 5 overall inches changed, and then voted on by their peers via their before and after pictures to decide who won.

The top 5 finishers in the challenge were-

1st Place:  Will Sawyer-  he lost a total of 10.5 inches and 8.5lbs

2nd Place: Holly Law- she lost a total of 12.5 inches and 7 lbs

3rd Place: Amy Coons- she lost a total of 10 inches and 6 lbs

Rounding out the top 5 in no particular order were-

Matt Olive- he lost 12.5 inches and 10 lbs

Warren Knabb- he lost 10.25 inches and 16lbs

1st place prize took home $200 cash and 2 free personal training sessions

2nd place prize took home $100 cash and 1 free personal training session

3rd place prize took home $50 cash and 1 free personal training session

Congratulations to the winners.  I am so proud of everyone’s accomplishments!


We also had our Fitness Starts With Food Drive Event.  We had an amazing turn out, including Mr. Livingston from the Mid South Food Bank.  Overall we raised about 300lbs of food that day.  Our goal is 500lbs before Thanksgiving, so we have two more days to get your donations in!

What a weekend!


***Don’t forget to there is a schedule change this week.  We are closed Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  

We are open for a 2 hour block on Sunday from 2-4PM.

Also, don’t forget about our White Wednesday Sale This Wednesday only!

11-25-13 WOD



3 x 1 @ 90%

Met Con:

Dumbbell Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Overhead Press x 15 

500m row 

4 rounds for time