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Open Gym Coming….

I just wanted to take a second and tell you how excited we are about being able to offer an open gym format for Thursday’s classes.

Here’s how the class will be set up:

The class schedule will remain the same, and it will still count as one of your classes for the week.  Unlimited members can stay for more then one hour.

There will be a coach on the floor for the class.

You have several different options of things that you can do within that class time frame.

1) Do the programmed lift and workout for that day.

2) Do a make up lift or workout from earlier in the week.

3) Practice a skill and get instruction from the coach on duty.

4) Check off some of your levels testing and or barbell classes (more to come on this later)

We are excited to be able to offer this opportunity for people to get better at the skills that they struggle with, and I can’t wait to see how far you guys can go!

8-14-14 WOD


Front Squat

BS 1 x 20

Met Con:

Box Jumps x 20

Mountain Climbers x 10

Bear Crawl x 10 meters

AMRAP 15 minutes


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