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Product Spot Light CrossFit in Memphis

This month we are doing a weekly product spotlight to let you know about some of our products that are on our shelves.  Today we are going to talk a little bit about Spark.

Spark is a drink mix produced by a company called Advocare.  It is designed to give you energy and greater mental focus.  All of our staff use this product regularly.  It helps pre workout to help you focus on your lifts and performance.  It also helps throughout the day to help you have energy and focus.

From the website of the product:


*Enhances mental energy and focus

*Provides support for long-lasting energy

*Helps fight occasional drowsiness

*21 vitamins, minerals and nutrients

*Sugar-free and only 45 calories

*Helps reduce free radicals


Someone who has trouble waking up or feels ‘energy slumps’ throughout the day

Someone who can’t work up enough energy to live life the way you want

Someone who is looking for a more nutritious alternative to coffee, soda or other energy drinks

If you want to read more about it you can check it out here!

Overall this is a great product and we are excited to have it available to you.  Feel free to ask us for a sample.


8-6-13 WOD



To be discussed in class 

Met Con:

2 person Team WOD

‘Franken Fran Ladder’     

Thrusters x 3 for each partner then 

Chest to bar pull ups x 3 each partner 

Thrusters x 6 each partner 

C2B Pull ups x 6 each partner 

Thrusters x 9 

Pull ups x 9  

Thrusters x 12 

Pull ups x 12    


AMRAP 20 minutes