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Pushing Your Limits….

Do you push your limits in your fitness?  Do you see just how far you can go, or do you take it easy?  In CrossFit our goal is to push the envelope of what you can do.  Our job as coaches is to make sure you’re safe of course, but after that it’s to push you to see just how far you can really go.  The mind will always give up before the body will.  Do you guys think the people in this video are scared to push their limits?

Every time I watch one of these videos I’m truly amazed at what the human body can do.  Sit back, watch, and be inspired!

Happy Friday!




8/29/2014 WOD


Tall Cleans


Clean Pull @ 97% x 3

100% x 3

105% x 3

Met Con:

KB Swings x 20 (heavier than Helen)

Row x 500 meters

Pull Ups x 20

3 rounds for time


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