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Road Map?.

Thursday night is our informational meeting about our Pipeline class.

What is our Pipeline program you ask?  In this program we decide what would be the best path for you to reach your goals.  We have four different pipelines you can choose from?.

Fat Loss- Here we give you homework and specific nutritional advice to help you expedite your goals.

Muscle Gain- Here we got your body fat in check and we give you specific homework and nutritional advice to help you reach your muscle goals

Competitor- Here we give you specific homework and nutritional advice to help you become a more competitive athlete.

Longevity- You’ve got your fat loss dialed in.  You’re happy with your muscle mass.  Now we are working on continuing quality of life and helping stay mobile, agile, and hostile throughout life. 

The meeting is important for you to attend if you are interested in taking part in the programs.  We will explain the rules of the game and set you up for success.  

See you Thursday at 7:30PM.



To be discussed in class

  Met Con:

 KB Swings x 1 minute 

 Box Jumps x 1 minute

 As many reps as possible

 for 5 rounds