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Running of the Rams 5K

Don’t forget that this Friday night is the Running of the Rams 5K at Oak Elementary School.

A couple of the kids that were putting on this race were members and CFB decided to sponsor the event.

Here are the registration details for the event!

Registration is $25 for adults $20 for kids under 17.

Post race there will be live music and catered food….. COUNT ME IN! 

You can come out to support them and hang out with your CFB community in Bartlett.  

All the coaches will be running the race, so remember there will be NO classes that evening.  If you want to get a WOD in, come to the 5K! or run a 5K on your own your choice 😉 . 

See you there!

5-12-2014 WOD


OverHead Press

2 x 5; 1 x 5 + (burnout)

Met Con:

Tabata Row

1 minute rest

Tabata Squat

1 minute rest

Tabata Pull Ups

1 minute rest

Tabata Push Ups

1 minute rest

Tabata Sit Ups