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Saturday is the Overdrive Course!

This weekend I will be teaching our CFB Overdrive class.  

This class is based around my career area of expertise….Injury prevention and treatment.  

In this course I will spend time going over common problems that we see in mobility, common issues that we see with certain joints due to poor mechanics, and how to prevent these issues from happening to you.

We will also delve into some serious mobility and to you improve your performance.  If you want to feel better, perform better and prevent injury, I would be at this course.Course begins 11AM directly following the CFB class.  It will last around 90 minutes or so.

This is a hands on course, so come prepared to move, mobilize, and improve your performance.

PS: It’s free for ALL Members!

See you there.

4-21-2014 WOD


Clean Pulls


Snatch DL

Met Con:

CFB Fight Gone Bad

3 rounds

1 minute each station

Wall Ball

Power Clean

Box Jump

Push Press

Row for calories
