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Shattering Through Personal Records

By: Justin Emmons

We just spent the past couple of weeks testing personal records and levels testing.  Your hard work has paid off, and we saw tons of people shattering their previous records.  A congratulations is in order for everyone who achieved any kind of PR.  1lb is a PR and it should be celebrated.  Also, achieving a new level in our levels testing is a huge deal!  Congrats to everyone who accomplished progress this past testing season.  The following people reported PR’s or levels testing.  If we missed you, I apologize we were going right off the white board.  Overall we saw a total of 327 PR’s and we also saw 9 people upgrade their levels.  Again….congrats, we are very proud of you!

Here is a list of movements and the people who reported a PR on the board (I apologize if we missed someone):

Bench Press

Ashley, Craig, Jason, Leigh, Robin, Tina

Back Squat

Alanna, Ashlie, Beverly, Brent, Brianna, Cathy, Chris B., Chris S., Craig, Dave, Davis, Diane, Eric, Frank, Gabe, J.R., Jeff, Kelly, Kim, Lauren, Lester, Matt, Michelle, Mike, Natalie, Reggie, Shane, Theresa, Tida, Tina


Ana, Andy Y, Angela, Ashley, Ashlie, Austin, Beverly, Brent, Casey, Charles, Chris B., Craig, Curt, David, Davis, Debra, Diane, Gabe, Gwen, Jason, Jenna, Ken, Kiki, Kim, Laura, Leigh, Leo, Lester, Maggie, Melissa, Michael P., Mike, Natalie, Reggie, Roxanne, Ryan, Sean, Shannon, Tida, Tim, Tina, Tyler, Wade

Front Squat

Alden, Amanda, Beverly, Brent, Brianna, Craig, Curt, Curtis, Dave, David, Davis, Debra, J.R., Jenna, Ken, Kim, Laura, Leigh, Lester, Linda, Lisa, Matt, Mike, Nancy, Natalie, Roxanne, Ryan, Sarah, Sean, Shane, Sherry, Tim, Tina, Wade

Overhead Press

Alex, Anne, Beverly, Brent, Brianna, Craig, Curt, Dave, David, Donna, Eric, Frank, Gabe, J.R., Jason, Ken, Larissa, Laura, Leo, Lester, Nikki, Paul, Reggie, Shane, Stacy, Tina

Overhead Squat

Alanna, Ana, Andy Y., Anne, Beverly, Brent B., Cathy, Chris, Curt, Dave, David, Davis, Diane, Frank, Gabe, Jada, Joe, Lauren, Lester, Lisa, Lori, Marissa, Mary, Matt, Michelle, Mike, Nancy, Natalie, Nikki, Reggie, Sarah, Tanya, Tim, Tina, Kelly, Tida


Ana, Andy S., Chris, Cindy, Craig, Curt, Dave, Frank, Jeff, Jen, Ken, Kim, Laura, Lindsey, Lisa, Lori, Nikki, Ryan, Sarah, Shane, Sherry

Clean and Jerk

Amber, Ashley, Austin, Brent, Chris, Craig, Dave, Dermal, Donna, Eric, Frank, J.R., Jenna, Joe, Ken, Kiki, Laura, Leigh, Lisa, Marissa, Mike, Roxanne, Shane, Tina, Tyler, Wade

Base Line

Alden, Alex, Ana, Andy Y., Andy K., Anna, April, Austin, Beverly, Brenda, Brent, Chris B., Chris S., Claire, Craig, Curt, Curtis, Dave, Davis, Debra, Dennis, Diane, Gabe, Gus, J.R., Jada, Jeff, Jenna, Jennifer, Ken, Kiki, Kim, Laura, Lester, Leigh, Lindsey, Lisa, Lori, Maggie, Marissa, Matt, Melissa, Michelle, Natalie, Nikki, Reggie, Rich, Rob, Ryan, Sandy, Seanee, Shane, Sherry, Stacy, Tida, Tim, Tonya, Wade

Level Upgrades!

Amber, Brent, Curtis, Kiki, Lester, Sarah, Shane, Tim, Tina

Congrats to everyone again, we are so proud of you!


6-20-13 WOD


To be discussed in class

Met Con:

Level 3 

MB GHD Sit ups x 20 


Kettle Bell Swing x 21 

Chin ups x 12 

3 rounds 


MB GHD Sit ups x 20

Level 2 

GHD Sit ups x 20 


Kettle Bell Swing x 21 

Chin ups x 12 

3 rounds 


GHD Sit ups x 20

Level 1/ Beginner 

Toes to bar/ Knees to elbows x 20 


Kettle Bell Swing x 21 

Chin ups x 12 

3 rounds 


Toes to bar/ Knees to elbows x 20