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Spring Break is Here!!

Don’t Forget!!!!!

Starting March 11th through the end of the week we will be giving a salute to spring break.  Remember when you were in school and you would get spring break off and use that time just to go crazy and have fun?  Well we are using the same idea.  We will be doing fun stuff all week just to break from the norm and give you guys something fun to do.  We have an entire line up of events each day (think spirit week during high school homecoming).  

Each day we will be doing something different, and we want to get as much participation possible.  Don’t be that party pooper that refuses to have fun.  Of course we will still be doing workouts and working on our fitness, but sometimes it’s good to have fun while doing it!

Here’s the coolest thing…… you know your friends that are so interested in CrossFit….or maybe they aren’t currently interested but they are interested in having a fun day or week?  Bring them to the events!  If you participate in the event then you can bring your friends along to have fun.  It’ll be a great time!  

Here is the line up of events:

Monday:  College at The Beach Day- wear your college/ university gear with an added spring break style

Tuesday: Beach WOD Day- unfortunately we can’t go to the beach here, but we will bring the beach to you 😉

Wednesday: Reverse Swim Wear day- Girls wear your swim trunks, guys find those bikinis (family appropriate and funny is the goal..nothing more please)

Thursday: Tourist Day- Dress like a tourist!  Socks and sandals, fanny packs, sunglasses, hawaiian shirts etc.

Friday: Volley Ball Day CrossFit Style- aka Hooverball Saturday: Luau Party!!!

See you guys at the beach 😉


3-11-13 WOD

Level 3/2 

Work up to heavy Thruster max for the day then: 

Thrusters x 10 @ 50% of max 

400m run
5 rounds for time 

Level 1/beginner
Work up to heavy Front Squat for the day then:

Thrusters x 10 @ 40% of max Front Squat 

400m run
4 rounds for time

CrossFit One World Movement Library – The Front Squat from crossfitoneworld on Vimeo.