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Stop Doing List

Jim Collins author of the amazing business book, ‘Good to Great,’ and ‘Built to Last,’ every year creates a stop doing list.  In his career, before he was a writer, he was a student.  One of his teachers told him to figure out what he was passionate about and focus on that.  He told him to get rid of what didn’t fit within that paradigm.  It turned out to be the most important conversation of Jim Collins’ life.  Soon he quit his job and eventually worked his way to being a university professor.  He then went on to publish two of the most prolific and important business books in history.  

In order to create a Stop Doing List Collins proposes you ask yourself 3 questions:

What are you deeply passionate about?

What are you genetically created for, and what activities do you feel you are made to do?

What makes economic sense, or what can you make a living at?

Take an inventory of your activities.  If 50% of those activities fall outside those 3 areas, then it’s time to create a stop doing list.  ‘Make your life a creative work of art Collins wrote in a USA today article. A great piece of art is composed not just of what is in the final peace, but equally important what is not.  It is the discipline to discard what does not fit that distinguishes the truly exceptional artist, and marks the ideal piece of work; be it a symphony, a novel, a painting, a company, or most importantly of all a life.’

Do you need to make a Stop Doing List?  What activities do you need to cut out in order to create your art?


8-5-13 WOD


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