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Sweat Angels September 2014

Ok Peeps it’s the midway check in.

Are you still checking in on Facebook?  Are you helping this month’s charity?

Last month the charity was supplying bricks to build schools…

You guys at CrossFit Bartlett were responsible for 60 bricks!  Together will all the other gyms we contributed with, we were able to purchase 13,806 bricks!  That’s flippin’ amazing!

Just by checking in we helped by almost 14,000 bricks.

This month here is what our check ins will benefit…



Every check in will help feed a rescued animal, so let’s get those Facebook check ins and unite for this awesome cause!

9/16/2014 WOD


Snatch Pull

Clean DL

Met Con:

KB Swings x 21 (heavier then Helen)

Weighted Pull Ups x 12

400m run

3 rounds for time

Try to hit KB swings unbroken and pull ups in no more then 2 sets.

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