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Sweat Angles and Checking In on Facebook!

I just wanted to take a second and remind you what an awesome organization Sweat Angles is and how great it is to be a part of it.

But more importantly is you guys who make awesome things happen.  The more you check in on Facebook with your smart phone app, the more money CFB donates to the organizations that Sweat Angels chooses.

This month we are support Barbells for Boobs which is a Breast Cancer Support organization.  You can check out their website here….  Click! 

But I wanted to take a second to show you some cool stuff that you contributed too in the past.  Watch this video and know that we helped donate some of those brick thanks to your check ins.    You check ins matter, so please continue to check in you’re making a difference in the world!



Keep checking in and I’ll see you at the gym!


10-15-14 WOD


Skills/ Levels Testing / Mobility

Met Con:




Ring Dips

For time

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