The stuff that we do is difficult. ?Really difficult. ?If it were easy, everyone would be fit. ?We train for what we call broad general and inclusive fitness or general physical preparedness (GPP). ?That being said, the goal of our training is to be ready for anything life throws at you. ?The guy in this video is obviously specialized in endurance events, but he is also a Navy Seal. ?A Navy Seal must be physically ready for anything, so you can bet that he has a ton of general physical preparedness as well. ?In fact many Navy Seals use CrossFit in their training specifically for that reason. ?I’m not sure if this guy does CrossFit plus running or not, but one can assume he does something that works on his GPP in addition to his endurance work. ?I really love the part where he talks about testing his limits, and how the body will go further then what the mind will let it do. ?That’s a very powerful mindset, and one that should be practiced in our setting as well. ?I believe it’s important to test your limits, so if you train for GPP then go out and test it sometime. ?Sign up for a marathon, 50K, 100 miler. ?Go rock climbing, white water rafting, mountain biking, whatever. ?Have fun with your new found fitness. ?In the meantime, watch this video in awe, because it’s pretty incredible what this guy does! What do you do to test your limits? Post comments below!
Maria improving her GPP with some tire flips! Click here for more pics on Flickr!