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Thank You Kasia!

I just wanted to take a second to say thank you to Kasia…

If you haven’t heard yet, her husband Jessi has been offered his dream job filming college hockey in their home town of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, so they are moving back home to South Dakota.

Kasia has been an integral part of our program at CrossFit Bartlett for the past year.  She’s done an amazing job here, and has been pivotal in our success.  She keeps the back end running like a well oiled machine.  She has also helped tremendously with our World’s Best Boot Camp program.

I can’t say how much I appreciate her job well done, her tenacity, her attention to detail, and her input in everything that we have done this past year.

I’m very grateful for Kasia, so from the bottom of my heart, Thank You for everything.

If you see her in the gym this week wish her well!

Thanks again!


9/25/2014 WOD


Back Squat

Met Con:

Thrusters x 15 (Fran weight)

500m row

4 rounds for time

Try to hit all the thrusters unbroken here.

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