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The Open is Almost Upon Us

Every year CrossFit has what some people have called ‘The World Series of Exercise.’ The first part of this multi-stage athletic event is The Open. The open consists of one workout done each week for six weeks by everyone wishing to compete. It is truly a great experience. In our gym we have some people that have hopes of making it to the regional competition, and some people who have no aspirations of making it to the games. The open is for both of these people.

It is for the competitive people because it is a chance to prove yourself. In the open you are able to test yourself against the entire world and see how you stack up. This is exciting because it gives us a great measure of our progress and helps us set goals for the future. The open is also for the non-competitive people. ?Essentially for the same reasons. You can see how you’ve progressed against yourself, and goals you would like to set. The most exciting part for me about the open is the chance to participate in an event that is literally worldwide. How many people get to say that their name was on the scoreboard at the World Series? the Olympics? Not that many. However in CrossFit, everyone is welcome to participate and absolutely welcomed with open arms.

For these reasons and many more, I hope that everyone is excited for the open, because I know I am. Were you planning on competing the open? Why or why not?

-Chris aka T.I.

Amanda and Amy testing their Accuracy with the marshmellow launch at the Christmas party! ?Click here to check out more pics on Flickr!
