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There’s Still Time?.

By: Justin Emmons

All the cool kids are doing it?.. have you?

Have you brought a friend in yet?  You have an amazing opportunity to upgrade someone’s life.  Have you taken it yet?  Do you love what we do?  Are you making amazing progress?  Don’t horde it!  Share it with the world.  Bring your friends today.  Bring your friends tomorrow.  Don’t be left in the dark.  YOU can help us achieve our mission of changing Memphis.  It starts with 1 friend!

Make the call, talk to them at work, send a smoke signal?.. do what you have to do, but time is almost up for this event!  Don’t delay!

PS:  Don’t forget about our holiday party tomorrow!  It’s going to be amazing!


12-13-13 WOD

4 minutes at each station of continuous movement   

Rowing for calories 


Dumbbell Thrusters 

Knees to Elbows   

Partners switch as needed.  

The score is total number of reps