Monday was my daughters first day of Pre-K and my sons 3rd birthday. It was a big day at the Emmons household. I’m sure most parents go through this but I spent a lot of time reflecting on how quickly time has gone by so far. It made me a little sad, and a little nostalgic all at the same time.
Then I started thinking about the gym in relation to my kids….
When we started the gym, Shannon and I didn’t have any kids. We were trying but didn’t have much luck. We started the gym in 800 square feet of space with 3 people. It was a crazy idea for my wife and I to take on. To say she wasn’t a big fan at the beginning is an understatement, but she supported me, and we opened our doors in April of 2009. In a few short months we had 30 people, and we found out Shannon was pregnant with our first kiddo. I remember announcing it at a workout with many of the members that we had at the time. It was crazy…. new gym, new baby on the way, and I was working two jobs at the time. I was coaching from 5AM until I worked out right before lunch. Then I ate lunch and went to my second job and worked until 10PM while another coach covered the evening classes.
In November of that year we moved to our current location. When we made the jump, I got out the calculator and the budget and Shannon and I decided that if we needed to sell a vehicle we could make it work. We could cut the cable and financially it was feasible. That’s how tight it was, but Shannon supported me and the gym, and our great community grew enough to support itself.
By May of that year, Layla was born. I wrote a workout for her while holding her that night. Then I did something crazy….
I decided that my heart was in the gym, and I decided to go full time at the gym. I quit my full time guaranteed $45,000 a year job and leaped into the unknown….brand new family behind the decision all the way. Since then, we’ve had a great community that’s grown, and a great gym that has gotten 100’s of people results. We’ve been through ups, we’ve been through downs, but overall it’s been an amazing experience, and raising my children in this type of environment has been a true blessing and joy.
We had Noah 15 months after Layla and it’s been crazy ever since, but all the while Shannon and I have been blessed with this amazing place and this amazing community of people and friends. I wanted to stop and tell you guys thank you for being a part of our program. Your membership at CFB not only gets you results, but helps support my family and the families of the staff that work here. We are all truly grateful for the opportunity to serve you, and I’m excited to see where we can go.
Time flies by so fast and if you blink it’ll be gone. I’m sure when I’m writing this blog about Layla graduating high school, it’ll seem like yesterday when I wrote this blog, but I will try to enjoy the ride as long as we can!
Thanks again for being part of our community at CFB!
8-5-14 WOD
Met Con:
Burpees x 5
20 second rest
Double Unders 20 or 50 singles
20 second rest
Box Jumps x 5 (rebound height)
20 second rest
5 rounds for time
Rest 2 minutes and complete
Burpees x 50 for time
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