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Times They Are A Changin’

Next month my friend and long time coach Trai Flemon will be moving on from CFB.  He has been presented with an awesome opportunity to chase his dreams of becoming a professional athlete and work with one of the best strength and conditioning coaches in the industry, (James Fitzgerald aka OPT).  He will be moving to Scottsdale, AZ in order to take advantage of this opportunity.

Trai has been a helper or coach in some form or fashion at CFB since 2011.  He began his CrossFit career as an athlete.  Then he transitioned to intern, where he began learning the ropes…. he also spent a lot of time mopping floors.  He worked his way up through hard work and diligence and eventually became an asset to our organization.  He has been a great supporter of CFB, a great contributor to our success and ultimately a great friend.  He has stuck with us through some hard times and great times and I’m truly grateful for the things he’s done for my family, my business, our clients, and myself.  I wish him all the best in his success and he will be missed.

CFB and I say thanks Trai!

5-8-2014 WOD


Clean Pull @

95% x 3

97% x 3

103% x 3

Snatch DL

100% x 3 

103% + 10lbs 2 x 3

Met Con:

Thrusters x 15 (Fran weight)

Pull ups x 3

Box jumps x 5 (24/ 20) or scaled appropriately

Thrusters x 12

Pull ups x 6

Box jumps x 5

Thrusters x 9

Pull ups x 9

Box Jumps x 5

Thrusters x 6

Pull ups x 12

Box Jumps x 5

Thrusters x 3

Pull ups x 15

Box Jumps x 5