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Upgrade Your Friend Event Sept. 19th, 20th, 21st!

Do you love what we do?  We certainly love having you in our program.  One of the biggest compliments you can give us, is telling your friends about us.  Bringing your friends in helps us spread our vision by allowing us to help others.  It also allows you to create a better community for you.  By bringing in your support system you are guaranteed to be more engaged and in turn will get better results.  

Think of at least 3 people that you know who fit this description:  They want to be healthier, they would benefit from coaching, and/ or they are interested in learning more about nutrition.  Our goal this week is for each student to bring at least 1.  When you shoot for 3 the odds of 1 coming are greatly increased.  It’s almost time.  Let’s help our friends, you can be a catalyst for your friends to upgrade their life.  Spread the word.  Post it on Facebook, Tweet it, Shout it from the rooftops, Let out smoke signals.  Whatever you have to do to make it happen.  With your help we can change Memphis!




To be discussed in class:

Met Con:

Deadlifts x 10 (unbroken)

 400m run backwards

 Three rounds for time