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Welcome Jack!

CrossFit Bartlett would like to welcome Jack Hall to our full time staff.

He’s been CrossFitting with us for almost a year.  He’s been coaching for us for about half of that.  He’s done an exceptional job as a part time coach, and we are really excited to have him in a full time role here at CFB.  He’s awesome and brings a lot of great things to the table.  Here’s his story:

I’ve always been pretty athletic with a lifetime of sports and fitness experience.  From 7th – 12th grade I ran track and field.  I am a Memphis area native and graduated from Collierville High School. Since then I was a post certified physical training instructor, defensive tactics instructor and I also hold a 2nd degree black belt in Modern Kenpo. I have an EMT IV certification and am currently working on a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice.    I worked in law enforcement for 12 years.

I have been CrossFitting at CFB for almost a year now and as soon as I started fell in love with the concept.  I started CFB’s Instructor Training Program several months ago and I have been working hard on becoming the best coach I can become.  I love interacting with people in a fitness oriented setting and I get fired up about helping them realize their goals and achieve their full potential.  I’m very excited about having the opportunity to relate my experiences and knowledge to our members at CFB.  I’m looking forward to helping each member achieve their goals.

3-10-14 WOD


Tall Cleans

Met Con:

Deadlifts x 10

Burpees x 10

Box Jumps x 10

3 rounds for time