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We’re All Snow Flakes….

What many don’t understand with nutrition is that there is no one size fits all prescription that will work for everyone.  We’re all snow flakes individual in need and response.

What we do know though is that there are good paradigms and places to get a baseline from. We start everyone off with a  Paleo based diet. That is the most well researched in creating good health, and getting essential nutrients in the body.  It also eliminates all known foods that have shown to be problematic in most if not all humans.  Then from there we can tweak to see what is the best response in the individual.

Our next nutrition program is coming up May 16th, so if you really want to dive in and learn the what’s, why’s, how’s etc. Then I recommend you do this program.

It’s 3 months long.  We do some very specific nutritional interventions based off of what your needs are. We build out meal plans for you.  We build out the recipes for you, and how much to eat.  We create the entire play book…..

All you have to do is run the play.  Pay attention over the next couple of weeks and don’t miss out on the opportunity to take everything to the next level.


Levels Testing

Met Con:


400m run

Box Jumps x 30 (24/20)

Wall balls x 30 (20/14)

5 rounds for time

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