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What a Year!

As we cruise towards Memorial Day weekend I am so excited about what has happened so far this year but especially this May. ?It has been our best month ever at the gym, as far as new sign ups are concerned. ?At the time of this writing we have signed up 17 new people to the gym! ?Our community is growing rapidly and we couldn’t be happier with the awesome new people that have decided to join our family. ?Something big is happening at CFB! Our community is becoming more and more incredible each day! ?If you see a new person at the gym please feel free to introduce yourself and make them feel welcome. ?As we embrace the changes that happen with growth, we are still constantly striving to provide the most superior coaching and guidance that you have come to expect from us.

With all of the excitement of the direction we are headed, today I had to take some time and reflect on where we came from. ?It was this weekend one year ago when I quit my full time job, and followed my heart and my passion to become a full time coach. ?At the time, I was working two jobs, coaching and running a business in the morning and working as a Certified Athletic Trainer at Christian Brother’s High School until late in the evenings. ?I was working myself ragged and I barely got to see my wife. ?I was also stressed to the hilt because our first child was born May 3rd.

I was at a crossroads. On one hand, I could keep working my current job and receive the salary that I was accustomed to. ?This would mean spending much less time with my family. Or, quit my job and follow my passion for coaching which resulted in many thousands of dollars in cut pay. ?With a newborn baby in arms, I prayed and felt my calling was to quit my job. ?I took a leap of faith and decided that the pay cut was worth spending more time with my family and the members of my gym, both of which I truly love! ?At that time we had around 25 members. ?Since that time we have grown to over 75 and counting.

This year has had it’s ups and downs, but honestly it has been mostly up. ?We were able to hire Michelle on full time. ?We were able to hire Chris onto the staff. ?Without the help of Angie, Michelle, and Chris none of this would be possible. Just recently we have made a new hire and Sarah Etter will be joining us very soon! ?This year I have been blessed with the birth of my first child, the growth of my business, the growth of all the relationships I have made through the gym and the expected birth of my second child. ?It truly has been the best year of my life. ?Much of that I owe to you guys, the members, and as I constantly strive to remain a humble servant, I owe everything to God as well.

1 Corinthians 15:10-?But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed on me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

Thank you God for all the gifts we have been given. ?Thank you members for creating an amazing community, family, and journey so far! I see nothing but great things on the horizon!

This was me coaching one of our original members Brittany in the old gym!


This is a picture of the old gym. ?You can almost see the entire gym in the shot. ?It was 800 square feet of awesomeness. ?We have come a long way!

