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What Are the Culmination of Your Choices?

We always wonder how things like this happen.  The reality is that it’s a culmination of millions of small choices that add up to an end result.  As a fat, miserable kid growing up, and a parent now of young children, I worry about this almost daily.  Are my poor, or lazy choices going to negatively impact my children for the rest of their lives?  This video is shocking, but when you stop and think about it, not really.

We all make mistakes, but until someone has met their end, it’s never too late to make changes that will positively affect the outcome.

What do you guys think?  Take 90 seconds out of your day, watch the video and comment and let me know your thoughts.

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9/5/2014 WOD


Tall Clean and Jerk

75% 8 x 2

Met Con:

Death by Burpee Box Jumps x 10 minute cutoff

Death by Burpee Pull Ups x 10 minute cutoff

Death by: At the top of each minute start the movement. Minute 1 do 1 rep. Minute 2 do 2 reps. Minute 3 do 3 reps etc. until you hit the 10 minute mark. Then switch to burpee pull ups

Document last completed round of each movement.


9/5/14 Bells & Balls


DB Clean & DB OHP/PP/Push Jerk

4 x 5 (adjust weight as needed)

Met Con:

Death by burpee box jumps x 10 minute cutoff

Death by burpee pull ups x 10 minute cutoff

Death by: At the top of each minute start the movement. Minute 1 do 1 rep. Minute 2 do 2 reps. Minute 3 do 3 reps etc. until you hit the 10 minute mark. Then switch to burpee pull ups.

Document last completed round of each movement.


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