Wikipedia describe the ‘Third Place’ as:
There are some things that are indicative of a third place:
- It involves regulars- those who habitually congregate there.
- It’s welcoming and comfortable.
- Both new friends and old friends can be found there.
It’s our goal at CrossFit Bartlett that we become your third place. Everyone needs somewhere to go, and blow off steam, meet good friends, and spend good quality time there.
What better place to do that then in an awesome, supportive, community of like minded, healthy habited individuals, who all genuinely care about you, your health, and what you’re up to?
We strive to do things that promote community, in our workouts, and especially in our events outside the gym.
By coming to the fun events that we host, or promote, you get the opportunity to meet people who will eventually become some of your best friends.
Also, you are a reflection of the 5 people you hang out with the most, so if you’re hanging out a bar, you’re probably going to develop some bad habits. If you’re hanging out at a gym, with healthy people, you’re probably going to develop healthy good habits.
So I want to take a second to encourage you, to join us for the fun events that we do. Let’s have a blast, enjoy some good times, and meet some new friends.
Sunday is the Super Bowl, and my wife and I are hosting a Super Bowl party for the gym. The whole gym is invited, just email me, and we’ll send you the address.
I look forward to seeing you there!
1/29/2015 WOD
Muscle Up progressions x 20
HSPU/ Ring Row Progression
2 x (1×6)
Met Con:
Deadlifts (heavy but unbroken sets)
Double Unders x 30 each round or Singles x 150
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