Lately my wife, Shannon, has been making an effort to come back to the gym. There’s a lot of reasons why she hasn’t been able to come back sooner, mainly the diagnosis of Lyme disease and bad joint pain being one of the causes. But put all that aside and she’s back in the gym making a strong effort.
It’s my belief that your fitness life is exponentially easier when you have someone at home to support you and encourage you. It becomes even easier when that person is participating in the same types of things you’re doing. When you are both working out and training it makes it a lot easier to focus on good nutrition. It makes it a lot easier to decide to do healthy things, but there’s an even bigger factor then that….
I believe it brings couples closer together. When both partners are making a strong effort to take care of themselves I think all aspects of the relationship get better. Each person feels better in general and also feels better about themselves. It gives you something else to find a common ground in. Struggling together even if it’s not in the same class, also allows couples to connect on a deeper level.
I think families that train together stay together, and I’m so proud of my wife. She’s given me two beautiful children, a life that I couldn’t do without her, and I’m excited to see where her fitness can go again!
If your significant other isn’t training here, you should strongly consider it. It’s one of the best things that happens in my life. Trust me you won’t regret it!
L- Sit/ Hand Stand Hold
60s cumulative
10 x 6s
Planche/ Lever progressions ½ back level; ½ front lever
60s cumulative hold 10 x 6s
60 second Hollow position hold
Met Con:
500m row
Thruster (Fran weight) x 15
3 rounds for time
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